
This is a list of books, podcasts and other resources I've found particularly useful. In some instances they've had a profound impact on how I think about the world.

Blogs & people

 🌐 Strange Loop Canon
 🌐 SatPost
 🌐 One Useful Thing
 🌐 Bretton Goods
 🌐 The Santa Fe Institute
 🌐 Erik Torenberg
 🌐 Kevin Kelly
 🌐 Paul Millerd
 ✒️ ️Sam Altman
 ✒️ Balaji
 ✒️ More To That
 ✒️ Uncharted Territories
 ✒️ Marginal Revolution
 ✒️ Nat Eliason
 ✒️ David Perell
 ✒️ Taylor Pearson
 ✒️ Eugene Wei
 ✒️ Tren Griffin
 ✒️ Ribbon Farm|
 ✒️ Alex Danco
 ✒️ Pirate Wires
 ✒️ Patrick McKenzie


 🎙️ Conversations With Tyler
 🎙️ Making Sense
 🎙️ Complexity
 🎙️ Rebel Wisdom
 🎙️ Invest Like The Best
 🎙️ Modern Wisdom
 🎙️ The Portal
 🎙️ Moment of Zen
 🎙 ️Upstream
 🎙️ The Heart Speaks
 🎙️ The Lunar Society
 🎙️ Infinite Loops
 🎙️ Plain English
 🎙 ️Founders

Youtube channels

 📽️ Wendover Productions
 📽️ RealLifeLore
 📽️ Caspian Report


 📚 Alan Watts
 📚 Modern Man In Search of A Soul
 📚 The Power of Myth
 📚 Finite & Infinite Games
 📚 What Matters Most
 📚 On Bullshit
 📽️ Awakening From the Meaning Crisis
 📽️ After Socrates

Growth / Marketing

 📚 Eat Your Greens
 📚 The Long & The Short Of It
 📚 Alchemy
 📚 The Choice Factory
 📚 On Writing Well
 📚 High Growth Handbook


 📚 The Art of Statistics
 📚 The Book Of Why
 📚 How to Lie With Statistics
 🌐 Cassie Kozyrkov

Finance & investing

 📚 The Most Important Thing
 📚 Seeking Wisdom From Darwin to Munger
 🌐 Morgan Housel


 📚 Turn This Ship Around
 📚 The Score Takes Care of Itself
 📚 What You Do Is Who You Are
 📚 Scaling People


 📚 The English & Their History
 📚 The Passion of The Western Mind
 📚 The Ascent of Money
 🎙️ The Rest is History

Behavioural psychology

 📚 The Elephant in The Brain
 📚 Behave

Society & culture

 📚 Eichmann In Jerusalem
 📚 The Secrets Of Our Success
 📚 Scale
 📚 Energy & Civilisation
 📚 The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion
 📚 The Master and His Emissary
 📚 Watching the English
 📚 The Revolt of The Public

Societal progress

 🌐 Works in Progress
 🌐 The Roots of Progress
 📚 Where Is My Flying Car?
 📚 The Ascent of Man

Effective governance

 📚 Seeing Like a State
 📚 The Triumph of The City
 📚 Order Without Design: How Markets Shape Cities
 📚 From Third World to First: Singapore and the Asian Economic Boom


 📚 Radical Markets
 📚 Stubborn Attachments
 📚 The Power of Productivity
 📚 Economic Facts & Fallacies
 🎙️ Econ Talk
 🌐 CapX
 🌐 Centre For Cities
 🌐 Create Streets


 📚 The Design of Everyday Things
 📚 The Elements of User Experience
 📚 A Timeless Way of Building
 📚 The Art of Game Design


 📚 Business Adventures
 📚 7 Powers
 📚 Good Strategy, Bad Strategy
 📚 Amp It Up
 📚 Playing To Win

Health & Fitness

 📚 Becoming a Supple Leopard
 📚 How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy
 📚 Strength Training Anatomy
 🎙️ The Drive